Last night Durban 2 joined the area Chairman on his official raid to Umhlanga 155. It was somewhat of a double-header as it also incorporated part of the Yap tour.

Kieran Vermaak, Adrian Pretorius, Brendon Hill
The meeting itself started promptly at some time after the chairman eventually arrived – which was nice! And the interpretive rendition of the Aims and Objects was wonderful – Adopt, Adapt, Improve!
All joking aside, Umhlanga 155 must be congratulated on putting their hand up to host the event. The night was a huge success and it was great to catch up with some old faces that I hadn’t seen in many a year. Two past NNCA area chairmen, Alex McAlery and Dash Singh, were both there as well as Keith Kewley, Chris Swartz, Adrian Pretorius, and Wayne Kruger. And of course I can’t leave out the Yap tour convener Nico McNamara, formally a Hilton Tabler, who had put in so much effort in ensuring the success of the tour.

Dean Oldacre, Cara Hankinson, Guy Hankinson
After an excellent meal there were a few formalities to get through. The Area Chairman exchanged banners with the Chairman of Umhlanga 155, Clive Clarry, before each participant of the Yap tour was presented with an Umhlanga 155 table pin.
Well done again to all involved in organising this wonderful evening. We are all looking forward to the next area raid which is to Umhlathuze 261 on the 13th of September.
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