Frequently Asked Questions
Firstly, get in contact with us to make sure that there isn’t a table nearby that isn’t registered on this website. If it turns out that there isn’t one then we can help you charter a new Table if you are interested.
There are several Tables which have closed over the years that we would love to re-charter. Tables such as Stanger 43, Port of Natal 76, and North Durban 184.
Yes! There are about 170 active Round Tables in Southern Africa and almost certainly one near you. If you would like to find out more about the other Tables in Southern Africa we suggest you get in contact with the Association of Round Tables of Southern Africa (ARTSA).
Motto in English
Adopt, Adapt, Improve
Motto in Afrikaans
Aanneen, Aanpas, Verbeter
English Aims And Objects
- To develop fellowship among young men through the medium of their professional and business occupations.
- To emphasize the fact that one’s calling offers an excellent medium of service to the community.
- To cultivate the highest ideals in business, professional, and civic traditions.
- To recognise the worthiness of all legitimate occupations and to dignify each his own by precept and example.
- To foster responsible citizenship and loyalty to their country.
- To further the establishment of peace and goodwill through international relationships.
- To further these objects by meetings, lectures, discussions, and other activities.
Afrikaans Aims And Objects
- Om komeraadskap tussen jong mans aan te moedig deur middle van hul beroeps of samewerksaamhede
- Om te benadruk dat ‘n mensse beroep ‘nuitstekende weg tot gemeenskapdiens bied
- Om die hoogste ideale in burgerlike, beroeps en saketradisies ne te streef
- Om die verdienslikheid van alle wettige bedrywe te erken en jou eie deur lesing en voorbeeld eerbiedwaardige te maak
- Om verantwoordlike burgerskap en loyaliteit teenoor ons land te bevorder
- Om internasionale vrede en welwillendheid te bevorder
- Om bostaande doelstellings deur middle van vergaderings, bespreekings, lesings en ander bedrywighede te bevorder
Each table is allocated a Table number based on when it was chartered. The lower the number the older the table is within the association. The oldest Table in the Association of Round Tables of Southern Africa (ARTSA) is East London, which is given the number 1. The second oldest is Durban, which has the number two assigned to it.
Often the mistake made by the public is assuming that Durban 2 is the second Round Table in Durban when it is actually the 2nd oldest in the association.
Every Round Table holds one or two business meetings and usually one ‘social’ meeting per month. These meetings are the forums at which various welfare projects and fund-raisers are discussed, often with input from outside speakers.
Fellowship is always of a high quality, especially after the closure of each meeting. Social meetings may be used to play action cricket or some other social activity, or more frequently, simply to ‘raid’ another Table in the endless quest for more fun and fellowship!
In particular, Round Table offers an excellent opportunity for meeting new friends from your own community, area, country and the world. It also offers an excellent vehicle for self-improvement in areas such as public speaking, leadership, project management, and meeting procedure.
Travel forms an important part of Tabling and is integral to the smooth operation of Round Table internationally. Typically, a visiting Tabler to another Association is often looked after by Tablers in that Association to make it easier for Tablers to travel internationally.
Round Tablers worldwide are instant friends.
Round Table is a non-political, non-denominational association of young men between the ages of 18 and 40, embracing representatives of nearly every profession and occupation, whose objects encompass the encouragement of high ethical standards, the promotion of social intercourse and fellowship among young professional men, the quickening of individual interest in everything affecting the public welfare, and the promotion of understanding amongst peoples of different cultural, language and political backgrounds.